Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the ones you did.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The New and Improved "Thirty- One Two Things to Do Before I Turn Thirty

  1. Own a Pair of Manolo Blahnik or Jimmy Choo Shoes
  2. Take a Photograph Every Day For a Year
  3. Be Single - By Choice- For at Least a Year
  4. Take a Hot Air Balloon Ride
  5. Take a Cross Country Trip Alone
  6. Get a Massage
  7. Research Different Religions. Choose One to Believe In Whole-heart-edly.
  8. Have a Drink That is "My Drink"
  9. Take an Overseas Trip Requiring a Passport
  10. Visit Vegas for a Weekend Like a Normal Person
  11. Quit Smoking
  12. Learn to Swing Dance
  13. Get Mom's Engagement Ring From Dad Re-Set Into Something That Does Not Resemble 1980's Costume Jewelry
  14. Go on a Road Trip With No Pre-Determined Destination
  15. Take Mom Out For An Expensive Dinner
  16. Live in a Big City
  17. Live Alone
  18. Buy a Kick-Ass Mattress
  19. Always Be There For Kayla and Cecily
  20. Become Better at Returning and Initiating Phone Calls to My Family and Friends
  21. Learn to Play Poker- and Beat Steve
  22. Start and Continue an Exercise Regimen For at Least 3 Months
  23. Become a Pescatarian For a Month
  24. Sit Front Row at a Concert
  25. Have Coffee with Alanis Morissette So I Can Express My Never Ending Gratitude
  26. Learn Which Friends I Cannot Trust- and Not To Take it Personally
  27. Find a Signature Scent
  28. Quit a Job Without Having Another One Lined Up
  29. Learn to Make Tamales
  30. Define Somewhere and Make it Home
  31. Continue Doing Whatever it is That Steve and I Are Doing to Maintain Our Nauseatingly Amazing Relationship
  32. Visit Alaska

Things I Removed:

7) Renovate a Room By Myself **** seeing as how I do not own a home, nor does it look like I will within the next two years in this market- this is simply not feasible.

13) Have the Makings of a Bar Inside the Confines of My Own Home, So When People Visit- Rest Assured- They Can Have Any Drink They Desire**** When you have little to no friends in the area in which you reside, and your friends from back home visit very infrequently- there truly is no reason to have a fully stocked bar in your home. Unless of course you and your boyfriend have a large desire to become alcoholics.

20) Build a Sandcastle and a Snowman**** I know I built a snowman at some point in my life, I do not remember the sand castle part- and really do not care.

23) Get the Tattoo I Want Covering My Lower Back**** You do not rush a tattoo. Especially one of this nature. There are a lot of things to get in order in my life before a tattoo of that caliber of meaning can be tattooed on my body. In due time- just not 2 years.

29) Spend $1,000 in One Phenomenal Evening**** I moved to Arizona to get on my feet and figure some junk out. One thing I learned is not to spend money like a damn fool. And when I think about it, I most likely already did this more than once in my lifetime.

30) Make Arizona Home**** The longer I live here, the less I want Arizona to be home. Arizona will NEVER be home.

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