Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the ones you did.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Rules

Here it goes...The rules of this little or big -whichever you prefer- project. I will blog daily and either speak of tasks on the list I am currently attempting to complete, or tell you about some that have been crossed off already. No particular order. Of course, there are tasks on this list that will be ongoing. They will receive their own "shout outs" - if you will- throughout the entire blog.

In regards to #2- Take a Photograph Everyday for a Year- I will post one photo on every blog for that day and speak of it in either length or brevity- whichever I desire. Why? Because this is my project and I decide dammit. I am hoping that #2 in this task will allow me to look back on this project- or year of my life with a smile on my face. Regardless of the relevance of the photo, I hope it will hold dear in my heart some small moment in time.

On that note-

My dog Anna Belle has the fanciest natural mohawk you could ever imagine. It really is spectacular. We have toyed with the idea of dying it different shades. If Anna Belle could talk, I wonder which shade she would choose....

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